Winona Woods Input Survey Results


The results from the Winona Woods Community Input Survey are in. Thank you to each of you who took a few minutes to complete it and help provide data to allow us to thoughtfully improve our neighborhood. Below are a few highlights from the survey results as well as a couple of points of clarification based on comments. The complete results are available by clicking here.

Here’s what we learned:



Overall, Winona Woods residents feel positive about the future of our neighborhood. Residents feel that the ability to improve and maintain the quality of life here is either within the of control of our local elected officials or already improving.




Most residents want to get more involved in the neighborhood association, but lack the time to be able to do so. In order to accommodate the needs of the neighborhood Winona Woods is going to look into providing dinner at our upcoming monthly meetings.




Small crimes continue to be an issue for many residents. While the vast majority of the crime in Winona Woods are larcenies from unlocked cars. Residents feel that the Neighborhood Watch has made them feel safer, and helped them stay more informed about crime. Whether we  have actually decreased crime is certainly hard to measure but will be an ongoing goal for improvement. We will continue to remind residents about locks and lights, serve as a conduit for crime information as well as work to improve the effectiveness of the Neighborhood Watch.



Residents are exited about our slate of events for 2016. Many households have expressed interest in what we are planning to do and we will take this information into account as we work to publish our 2016 calendar of events.



The efforts of Winona Woods have by-in-large been successful. Overall residents have reported a good number of benefits. Winona Woods will continue to work to provide more benefits and those of even higher impact.



Almost everyone knows all of their immediate neighbors, and we like that.



Most neighbors are VERY satisfied with living in Winona Woods. We like that even more!



…and most residents are happy where they are, and that’s the best!

When we asked what residents wanted to protect in Winona Woods, their responses featured these words, the larger the word, the more times it was mentioned: 


When we asked residents how they would like to improve Winona Woods, they wrote the following things, the larger the word, the more times it was mentioned:


There were three anonymous comments we would like to respond to in a friendly way: 

The first was regarding concerns about a neighborhood watch captain. We know our volunteers pretty well and some the context clues in the comment didn’t add up. We are pretty sure that the resident had Winona Woods mixed up with another neighborhood association and their Neighborhood Watch Captain.

The second was regarding a complaint that Winona Woods has called code enforcement on property owners.  Specifically, for commercial vehicles and parking on the grass. While these are against town code and the association would never endorse breaking town codes. The Winona Woods Neighborhood Association has never called code enforcement to complain about a neighbor.

The third comment suggested that Winona Woods did not care about the environment of our neighborhood. We have initiated an electronics recycling program, planted 21 street trees, and also brought the Community Composting program to our area. We are always happy to hear how we could further improve our environmental stewardship.

If anyone has any further questions, comments or concerns we are always happy to get input at anytime at


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